xorkeesign , xorkeeauth and Snorkel TX API
Applications connecting to the API interface of the above services require to authenticate themselves using a JSON Web Signature (JWS).
Here are a few free utilities to help integrators create the key pair and to sign JWS packets from their calling applications.
ECC Key Generation
This command line tool generates an ECC 256 key pair for authenticating API calls. The generated public key will be stored with *.pub and the private key will be stored with *.pri extensions. The keys will be in PKCS#1 PEM format. The public key as stored can be directly used in the configuration interface of xorkeesign/ xorkeeauth/ Snorkel TX.
Code to sign a JWS from your application
Example code has been provided below for some popular platforms. For others, integrators may have to follow the specification given in RFC 7515.