Odyssey Technologies Limited is a public company listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange since 1995. Engaged in cryptography and public key based security applications.

The company has pioneered several security software products and delivery models primarily for the banking, stock broking and government sectors.

Odyssey has been a profit making company since 2008-09

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Investor Contacts

For transfer/dematerialization of shares, change of address and other query related to the shares of the company
For Securities held in Physical Form
M/s Cameo Corporate Services Limited
“Subramanian Building”
#1, Club House Road,
Chennai – 600002.
Ph : +91-44-4002 0700 , Fax : +91-44-2846 0129
Online Investor portal : https://wisdom.cameoindia.com
Website: www.cameoindia.com
For Securities held in Demat Form
To the Investors’ Depository Participant(s) and/or
Cameo Corporate Services Limited
Investor Grievances and Queries
Ms. B. Purnima
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer,
5th Floor, Dowlath Towers,
63,Taylors Road,
Kilpauk,Chennai – 600010,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Ph : +91 44 26450082, 26450083, 43084070, 43084080
Email : investors@odysseytec.com
link to Smart ODR