Learn about xorkeesign's rich assortment of features here

Mail Signing

Prevent insidious entry of malware through emails - sign and verify every email you or your colleagues send and receive. Learn More...

Digitally sign in various Govt. Portals

You find dealing with the government portals daunting? xorkeesign comes to your rescue with a simple G2C browser extension. Learn More...

Make digital more trustworthy than paper

Experience xorkeesign's 'Entity' feature. Increase the reliability of your business documents by co-signing them with organizational certificates in addition to the employee signatures. Learn More...

xorkeesign on your home screen

Add xorkeesign as a Progressive Web Application(PWA) to your home screen on the mobile. Helps you combine the power of other applications like email or whatsapp with that of xorkeesign. Learn More...

Right click and sign from Windows and MAc desktops

If you have files in your PC, signing can never be this easy. Install xorkee wand and just right click on the file or folder.Learn More...

Integrate API in your applications

Extend xorkeesign benefits to your users by integrating the xorkeesign's simple REST API in your applications.

Sign PDF / XML / text /other files

The file can be signed from xorkeesign portal by uploading to the portal or well within the local system. The signature image and position can be chosen or templatized for PDF files.

Your privacy is yours

xorkeesign puts the user privacy first. Most signing features in xorkeesign have a local equivalent such that the documents and messages do not leave the users system and their digests are sent for the signature.

Sign PDF in multiple pages

Add any number of signatures in any style, in any number of pages.

Upload files to xorkeesign portal and sign

Use xorkeesign portal to share the documents and collaborate the signing workflow.

Sign Bulk files

Sign multiple files either one by one or at the end after queueing the required ones. Signature profile can be applied for each one of them or collectively.

Style your signatures

Create your signature profile – sign only with initials or with your name and selected fields or an elaborate signature with a logo, company name, designation, etc.

Pre-mark signature positions

Mark the signature positions, styles and names beforehand. Signing such documents takes a single click and is completely error free.

Create document profiles

Each document type can be pre-formatted for who has to sign and where. While signing any such files select the profile to automate signature appearances.

Verify signed PDF / XML / text / other files

Verify the signed file by right clicking or loading in xorkeesign portal. It is simple and super quick.

xorkeesign CSP for Windows

Use xorkee’s special features with the traditional digital signature applications like Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and Excel and other custom applications that use Microsoft CAPI on Windows platform to interface with your DSC tokens.

Sign with just the key on your mobile, even PDFs

Other signatures like CMS and XML can be done with just a key but not the PDF. xorkeesign brings key based signatures to PDF by attesting them with a DSC.

Security in xorkeesign

Signing with remote access is disabled for xorkee users to protect from vulnerabilities. Screen captures are disabled. Data to be signed can be encrypted. High value transactions warning. Vulnerable signer warning.